purple health

The [Purple Health Plan]: How Insurance Works & What it Covers

3 years ago

Getting health insurance is an important step to safeguard yourself against any sudden medical costs, which is why we’re looking into the purple health plan and how it can help you.

Before we go too far, let’s look into some of the basics of health care insurance and how it works.

purple health plan

Health insurance and the need for it

No one knows when a medical emergency will happen, which is why health insurance is so important. Even young and seemingly healthy people can find themselves in need of serious medical care.

Your gender or health history do not matter when it comes to your monthly premium for health insurance. The tier level of your plan can give you a rough estimate of the coverage you might need.

For example, higher tier plans offer more comprehensive coverage than lower tier plans. However, higher tiered plans have higher premiums or monthly payments. It’s important to keep this in mind when looking for a plan that fits your needs and budget.

Costs associated with health insurance vary depending on factors such as the deductible, premium, and out-of-pocket costs. To get an idea of how much you would save with healthcare insurance, talk to an agent or financial professional about your unique situation.

The bottom line: everyone should have some form of health insurance because no one knows when they might need it.

What things to consider when choosing Health insurance

When you are looking for health insurance, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. The first thing is that not all plans are the same. There are different levels of coverage, and each company will have their own set of premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket costs. You also can’t just change your gender to get a cheaper health premium!

  1. Examine the prescription medicine coverage provided by each health insurance plan.
    If you’re taking any prescription prescriptions at the moment, you should look into each prospective new plan to determine what medications are covered. You can do so by requesting the insurer’s or medicine lists. Typically, insurers have a classified list of medicines that are grouped into tiers. Generics have the lowest copay expenses, whereas brand name prescription medications will often cost more. This means you should read the fine print of any possible insurance plan carefully, since some insurers may require patients to take lower-tier prescriptions before moving on to brand-name medications.

  2. Check to see if the providers you want are included in the network of providers
    If you don’t want to have to switch to a new doctor in order to be covered, you have to determine if they are in your network coverage if your health plan changes. (Doctors have to be approved to provide coverage for certain health care plans.)

    If you don’t have a favorite doctor, you might want to choose one through your new prospective plan’s list of in-network providers. Then, contact the new doctor to inquire about their typical office hours, if they are accepting new patients, and what their credentials are. There’s always the option of going one step further and looking up a provider’s information with the American Medical Association (AMA). And – especially if you have a specific disease that necessitates seeing a specialist – check to see if there is a specialist in the new network that you like and trust.
  3. Decide if contributing to an HSA is right for you
    Some people like putting money into a health savings account, sometimes known as an HSA. An HSA works almost the same as a personal savings account in that it can be used to pay for medical costs. An HSA can be great for almost anyone – from those who are young and healthy and want to save money for a medical emergency to those who are approaching retirement and want to reduce their expenses. You can take money out of your HSA for non-medical reasons at any time before the age of 65, according to the Mayo Clinic. HSAs, on the other hand, have some limitations. claims that “Deductibles, co-payments, coinsurance, and other eligible medical expenditures can all be paid with HSA funds. Tax-free withdrawals are allowed to cover qualifying medical expenditures. If you have money in your HSA when you reach 65, you can spend it on anything you choose — but it will be taxed as income at your current tax rate if you aren’t spending it for a qualifying medical cost.”

    According to IRS Revenue Procedure 2021–25, singles can contribute up to $3,650 in tax-deductible contributions to an HSA in calendar year 2022, while families can contribute up to $7,300 tax-free. Catch-up donations of $1,000 are available to those 55 and older.

    Users may only make contributions to specified plans, so if you’re thinking about adding one, be sure it qualifies. To contribute to an HSA, you must have a high-deductible health insurance plan. Qualified plans for a single person in 2022 include those with minimum deductibles of $1,400 and maximum out-of-pocket expenditures of $7,050. Family plans feature a slightly higher $2,800 minimum deductible but a far higher maximum out-of-pocket cost of $14,100.

  4. You might qualify for tax credits
    Yes, health insurance is costly, but the government might be able to assist you if you have a low level of income. The IRS offers a “refundable tax credit designed to help eligible individuals and families with low or moderate income afford health insurance purchased through the Health Insurance Marketplace, also known as the Exchange.” This is a refundable tax credit designed to help eligible individuals and families with low or moderate income afford health insurance purchased through the Health Insurance Marketplace, also known as the Exchange.

    The exact amount of a tax credit a person receives is determined on his or her income. According to the IRS, people with a lesser income receive a greater credit to help cover the cost of insurance, and those with a higher income may only receive a little credit, if any.

    Figuring out if you’re eligible for a tax credit can be tricky, so be sure to consult the IRS website or the accountant that does your taxes to make sure you aren’t missing out on any deductions that you might qualify for.

  5. Don’t ignore the deductible
    It’s easy to experience sticker shock when it comes to monthly premiums (the amount you must pay each month to keep your health insurance), but it’s also important to consider the plan’s deductible (the amount you must pay before your insurance company will pay a claim).

    Sometimes plans with a cheaper premium have a higher deductible – which could cost you a lot if you end up needing to use your health coverage.

    A usually healthy individual, may be fine with a high deductible & cheap premium plan because they may never need the insurance for an emergency. On the other hand, someone who is already dealing with a health problem, such as cancer, may prefer a plan with a higher deductible but lower premium. That’s because a cancer patient will almost certainly go over their deductible in medical costs anyway, but might save money by paying a lesser premium instead.

    Those in the middle, with moderate healthcare costs such as a pending operation or medical bills, are the ones who really have to weigh out their options and investigate the pros and cons of the mid-range plans.

  6. Look into any other benefits that may be available in the plan
    Plans for health insurance aren’t simply for emergencies. Many plans and providers also offer wellness programs and incentives to assist their members stay healthy and avoid going to the doctor in the first place.

    Gym memberships, free therapy sessions, video chats with physicians at any time, and even legal advice are among the some of the advantages of different health care plans. So take the time to see exactly what’s included.

  7. Above all – don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it
    This whole process can seem really confusing – and that’s because it is. Just know that there are local insurance agents in your area that can help explain all of this to you.

    They can be an invaluable resource when you’re shopping for a new health insurance plan if you don’t feel comfortable doing this on your own.

Factors That Can Impact The Cost of Your Health insurance

Your age, where you live and tobacco use will all affect your premium for health insurance.

Along those lines, the more medical needs you have, the higher your coverage will be with that particular insurer. Don’t ignore living a healthy lifestyle and being active – as this can go a long way in preventing your need to use your insurance. You could see our article on How much can you make doordashing as you could always do your deliveries on a bike to improve your health.

Just because a monthly premium is lower doesn’t mean you’ll save the most money on health insurance in the long run – it’s important to consider how much you will pay for health coverage as well as what your deductible and out-of-pocket costs are.

Top 10 tips for choosing a health plan

A Medicaid plan should be chosen with care and consideration of specific details, such as cost, quality of care provided by the plan, length of coverage offered, the type of doctors available on this particular plan. You may also want to consider an insurance company’s customer service rating and how easy it is to make claims.

To recap a little, here are 10 quick tips to help you:

  • Consider what services you need and find a plan that covers them all.
  • Compare costs between different plans before making a decision.
  • Make sure your doctor is in the network covered by the new health plan.
  • Understand what prescription drugs are covered by each health plan you’re considering.
  • Ask about annual limits on visits to specialists or hospital stay .
  • See if preventive care services like screenings are covered at no cost to you.
  • Get quotes for family members who aren’t included in your employer’s group policy.
  • Look for a flexible health plan that will allow you to change providers if needed without penalty.
  • Check out an insurer’s customer service ratings before signing up.
  • Consider an app that offers daily health tips.

Health insurance for Senior Citizen

There are a few things that senior citizens can do to reduce the cost of their health insurance:

  1. Choose a high-deductible plan. This will reduce your premiums, but you’ll have to pay more out of pocket for healthcare expenses.
  2. Look for plans that don’t charge premiums for people over a certain age (usually 65).
  3. Consider joining a healthcare sharing ministry. These ministries allow members to share the cost of medical expenses between themselves.
  4. Shop around and compare prices from different insurers. There may be some plans that are cheaper than others, even if they have similar coverage.

Student Health Care Benefits

The student health care plans are often very comprehensive. They can often include things like emergency response, acupuncture, sports medicine, and massages. In addition, the student fee supports all of the additional services listed to supplement provincial health care coverage.

Health Care Tips

Why should you eat more honey?

why should you eat more honey

Honey is a delicious, nutritious food that has powerful antibacterial properties and antioxidants. It has been found to be helpful for breast cancer patients in two studies, as well as lowering blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels. Honey is also a natural remedy for many health problems.

Lee D. Kimbell, health writer and author of the book “Honey: Nature’s Miracle Healer”, believes that honey should be consumed more by people.

According to Kimbell, honey has many health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and helping to cure coughs and colds.

In addition, honey is also a great source of antioxidants, which can help fight free radicals in the body.

What are three ways to reduce health care costs?

what are three ways to reduce health care costs

Answer: There are many ways to reduce healthcare costs, but here are three of the most effective methods:

  1. Preventative care.
    One of the best ways to keep healthcare costs down is to prevent health problems before they start. This can be done through things like vaccinations, healthy lifestyle choices, and regular check-ups. Identifying and treating problems early on is much less expensive than letting them progress into more serious conditions.
  2. Regulation of the healthcare industry.
    Certain industries are known for their high prices and wasteful spending, and healthcare is no exception. By implementing stricter regulations on things like insurance companies, drug prices, and medical procedures, we can help bring down the overall cost of healthcare for everyone involved.

What can you do to improve your health and lower health care costs?

what can you do to improve your health and lower health care costs

There are a number of things you can do to improve your health and lower your health care costs.

First, eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. This will help you maintain a healthy weight, which can reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Second, quit smoking. Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the United States, so quitting will drastically improve your health and lower your healthcare costs over time.

Third, manage stress effectively. Stress can lead to a number of health problems, so it’s important to find ways to cope with it in a healthy way. Lastly, get regular checkups and screenings. This will allow you to catch any potential health issues before they develop into something worse.

What is one way to lower health care costs?

what is one way to lower health care costs

There are many ways to lower health care costs. Some include:

  1. Encouraging people to be more proactive about their own health and to seek preventive care.
  2. Improving the quality of care so that patients experience fewer complications and require less treatment in the long run.
  3. Increasing the use of generic medications whenever possible.
  4. Promoting healthy lifestyles that reduce the incidence of chronic diseases.
  5. Reducing administrative costs by streamlining the healthcare system.